Interested in becoming a member of the Santa Cruz Art League?
Scroll down to view our membership types and join today!
Our members enjoy:
Discounts on classes & events.
Discounted or free submission into many of our exhibitions.
Exclusive opportunity to participate in our annual Member’s Show.
Higher commission rates for artwork sold in exhibitions.
Exclusive opportunity to sell your work in our lobby gift shop
Ample opportunities to network with other artists, discover other exhibition venues and market places, and share techniques and supply sources.
Exclusive opportunity to be listed in our SCAL Member Directory.
Our Reciprocal Members also receive access to over 800 galleries and museums all across the country! Read more about NARM membership here!
Please note that SCAL memberships are non-refundable.
If you already have a membership, check your email for the subject line “How to Transfer to Our New Membership Platform,” which contains instructions on how to transfer it to Sawyer for free!